jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

GamerCon 2015 (II)

Hello! We had a nice weekend in GamerCon 2015 in Jerez! :D

We met lots of nice and friendly devs coleagues.

Some of our old (and new) dev friends:
Alpixel Games http://www.alpixelgames.com
Planet Apolion (Pal y Juan) http://planetapolion.wordpress.com
Juan Carlos García Romero http://programavideojuegos.blogspot.com
S0ns of a B1t http://www.sonsofabit.com
Rodaja http://www.rodaja.es
Inner Freedom Games http://www.twisted-future.com
Risin´Goat http://risingoat.com
FrameOver Studio http://mazeofgods.com
Iction Games http://www.ictiongames.com
GuGames DEV http://www.gugames-dev.com
Owari Studios http://owaristudios.com
Black Horn Studios http://www.blackhornstudios.com
Gazpacho Games http://gazpachogames.com
Ninja Code Studio http://www.ninjacodestudio.com
Chicken Indie Games http://www.chickenindiegames.com
Estudio Nemo http://estudionemo.es
Kinoko Studios http://www.kinokostudios.com
Whootgames http://www.whootgames.com
Chikotron Games https://twitter.com/chikotrongames

Dev Dinner Time!

This kid and his father discovered the best way to play "A Hole New World"!

Some guys that were playing together after defeating the Demoness.
They couldn't even believe that they manage to do it finally! :)

And finally a video of our games and players (and also some of us XD) Enjoy and see you next time! ;)

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