jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

GamerCon 2015 (II)

Hello! We had a nice weekend in GamerCon 2015 in Jerez! :D

We met lots of nice and friendly devs coleagues.

Some of our old (and new) dev friends:
Alpixel Games http://www.alpixelgames.com
Planet Apolion (Pal y Juan) http://planetapolion.wordpress.com
Juan Carlos García Romero http://programavideojuegos.blogspot.com
S0ns of a B1t http://www.sonsofabit.com
Rodaja http://www.rodaja.es
Inner Freedom Games http://www.twisted-future.com
Risin´Goat http://risingoat.com
FrameOver Studio http://mazeofgods.com
Iction Games http://www.ictiongames.com
GuGames DEV http://www.gugames-dev.com
Owari Studios http://owaristudios.com
Black Horn Studios http://www.blackhornstudios.com
Gazpacho Games http://gazpachogames.com
Ninja Code Studio http://www.ninjacodestudio.com
Chicken Indie Games http://www.chickenindiegames.com
Estudio Nemo http://estudionemo.es
Kinoko Studios http://www.kinokostudios.com
Whootgames http://www.whootgames.com
Chikotron Games https://twitter.com/chikotrongames

Dev Dinner Time!

This kid and his father discovered the best way to play "A Hole New World"!

Some guys that were playing together after defeating the Demoness.
They couldn't even believe that they manage to do it finally! :)

And finally a video of our games and players (and also some of us XD) Enjoy and see you next time! ;)

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

GamerCon 2015 (I)

This year we will participate in the Indie Section of GamerCon 2015, which will be held fromApril 10 to April 12 in IFECA (Jerez de la Frontera, Spain) simultaneously with the 16th Manga Convention of Jerez and 2015 ComicCon Spain.

We will have a booth where you'll be able to test the latest beta for "A Hole New World". If you can assist, don't miss it! ;)

More information:
Web: www.salonmangajerez.com
Twitter: twitter.com/SalonMangaJerez
Facebook: facebook.com/Salon.Manga.Jerez

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

Indiespensables Made in Spain 2015 :D

Hi! :)

We were delighted when we saw that Vandal, the famous Spanish online magazine about gaming, mentioned our game 'A Hole New World' as one of the "indiespensables" made in Spain for 2015.

Here's a link to the article:


martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Indie Dev hang out in Cadiz

Last Sunday afternoon we went to meet some indie game developers from Cadiz, and we had a pleasant surprise, because aside from meeting Eduardo Garabito (@DazEdword) and some other very nice people, we met up two friends we had not seen for some time and that we did not know were developing games like we do :)

Here is an article (in Spanish) about our friends, Juan and Pal, that was published a few days ago on Indie-O-Rama http://www.indieorama.com/una-manana-con-team-planet-apolion/

And if you are into Shoot'Em Up and RPG games you're in luck, because their new game "Planet Apolion" combines both genres, and is now on Steam Greenlight, check it out! :D

You can click here to vote the game on Greenlight!

See you soon! ;)

viernes, 2 de enero de 2015

Happy 2015!

Hi, I'll group in this post the latest developments on MadGearGames:

-The RetroSevilla event was great, we were also very happy because we received a lot of positive feedback on "A Hole New World" ("AHNW" from now on, for short) and give away several copies of the game.

There was nobody who successfully completed the game (the challenge we proposed), but there were several brave souls who managed to reach the third stage. Congratulations to Juan Carlos, Alejandro and Bea, with a special mention to Bea, who went farther than anyone :D

  -During holidays we started a Christmas sale our game "AHNW" in itch.io. It will remain active from December 24 until January 6, so if you want to get a copy of the game, now is the time ;)

-We've had problems due to a new European tax regulation that will be enforced from January 1, this regulation will force to register trading taxes in the country of buyers of digital products.  The result is that many software developers and other digital products have to stop selling their products until they get around this obstacle. We have the same problem with "AHNW", but do not worry, because itch.io promised to solve this quickly.

This problem is solved in itch.io now!

-Since some months ago we are devoting much effort to complete the development of "AHNW" but this does not mean that we will abandon "Ninja Trials", don't worry, both projects are going to be finished. We decided to spend more effort on "AHNW" because it's a project with less burden on designers and we thought we could complete it in a relatively short time. As we complete "AHNW" we will accelerate the development of "Ninja Trials" ;)

We've released version 0.41 of "A Hole New World", those who already acquired it can enjoy 3 stages of the game and much more :)

-Right now we are looking for some beta testers. If you are interested send us an email with the subject "Beta Testing" at madgeargames at gmail dot com.

And last, but not least, Happy 2015 !! :D

Muy buenas, os agrupo en este post los últimos acontecimientos sobre MadGearGames:

-El evento de RetroSevilla fue genial, y nosotros quedamos también muy contentos, recibimos mucho feedback positivo sobre "A Hole New World" ("AHNW" en adelante, para abreviar) y repartimos varias copias del juego.

No hubo nadie que consiguiera pasarse el juego y superar así el reto que propusimos, pero hubo varios valientes que consiguieron llegar a la tercera fase. Nuestra enhorabuena a Juan Carlos, Alejandro y Bea, con una mención especial a Bea, que fue quien más lejos consiguió llegar :D

 -Durante estas fiestas hemos puesto de rebajas navideñas nuestro juego "AHNW" en itch.io. Las rebajas permanecerán vigentes desde el 24 de diciembre hasta el 6 de enero, así que si queréis haceros con el juego este es el momento ;)

-Hemos tenido problemillas a causa de la puesta en funcionamiento de una nueva normativa europea el 1 de enero que obligará a cotizar los impuestos en el país de los compradores de productos digitales. Esta ley se elaboró pensando en evitar que las grandes compañías crearan sedes en paraisos fiscales para ahorrarse impuestos cotizando desde allí. Lamentablemente no tuvieron en cuenta a las pequeñas empresas que aún están arrancando y apenas tienen ganancias, y olvidaron establecer un mínimo de beneficios anuales a partir del cual se aplicaría esta ley (como se hacía antes), el resultado es que muchos desarrolladores de software y otros productos digitales tienen que dar de baja sus productos mientras no consigan solucionar este obstáculo. Nosotros tenemos ese mismo problema con "AHNW", de todas formas no os preocupéis, pues itch.io promete resolver esto rápidamente.

Edito: ¡Este problema ya se ha resuelto en itch.io! :D

-Desde hace unos meses estamos dedicando muchos esfuerzos a terminar el desarrollo de "AHNW", pero esto no significa que vayamos a dejar de lado "Ninja Trials", no os preocupés que ambos proyectos siguen adelante. Decidimos emplear más esfuerzo en "AHNW" porque al ser un proyecto con menos carga para los grafistas pensamos que podríamos completarlo en relativamente poco tiempo. En cuanto completemos "AHNW" volveremos a acelerar el desarrollo de "Ninja Trials" ;)

-Hemos publicado la versión 0.41 de "A Hole New World", los que lo hayáis adquirido ya podéis disfrutar de 3 fases del juego y muchas cosas más :)

 -Ahora mismo estamos buscando un número reducido de betatesters para "AHNW". Si estáis interesados enviad un correo con el asunto "Beta Testing" a nuestro e-mail madgeargames arroba gmail punto com.


Por último, aunque no por ello menos importante, ¡¡Feliz año 2015!! :D